Monday, October 20, 2008

Cows, Cameras, and Campfire Pizza

This past weekend was my annual fall camping trip. Unfortunately, fall is so late this year that I mostly saw a lot of green. But, Val and I did see and do a lot of fun things to make up for the lack of color. We meandered through the country and found the town of Avon, MO, which is a cluster of 4 farmhouses, a herd of cows, 2 llamas (yes, I smiled!), and a bunch of bison. We saw a lot of abandoned things, which makes for really messy yards, but pretty cool photos. We also learned what a hoo-doo was and that there is in fact such a thing as a farkleberry. Together we perfected the recipe for campfire pizza, giving us the opportunity to move on to campfire popcorn next year. And, no trip is truly complete without breaking the law, which I did in the form of trespassing, as Val looked on and threatened to drive away if the cops came. Good times were had by all. Except for maybe the cows who were not thrilled by my presence or my camera.

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